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Amateur Sports Alliance of North America
A non-profit dedicated to the participation of LGBTQ+ Women+ in amateur athletics
4351 Babe Howard Blvd, Millington, TN 38053
Nine turf fields (including one full
stadium experience!) -
Vendor booths
Cooling stations
Gender-neutral restrooms
Wellness area
Concession stands - featuring The Barn, an open-air experience, ​centrally located in the park...full service, slushie machines , TVs, games
And more!!
We're working to plan an amazing experience in Memphis to take advantage of this awesome complex that is 100% for ASANA while we are there!
Water & Ice Policy
One Cooler, up to 48 Qt, Per Team*
Can contain water & ice only
Up to 1 Gallon Water, Per Person
2024 World Series Wristbands must be worn at all times - Check out the Know Before You Go page for more details
*Each manager will be given a cooler tag in their registration bag and it must be attached to the team's cooler before it is brought into the complex.
No Outside Food & Beverages
No Sunflower Seeds, Gum, Chewing Tobacco
Metal Cleats

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